Meet Scot Vighi
Breathworking Instructor.
Scot Vighi is a gifted energy medicine healer, and Qi-gong /Reiki Master who possesses a unique ability for relieving chronic pain and habitual stress, while inspiring well-being. A Kripalu certified yoga teacher with Master’s degrees in Ericsonian hypnotherapy and USUI Reiki, Scot is certified by The National Academy of Sports Medicine and The National Endurance and Strength Training Association.
Trained in the structure and technique of Giovanni Baptista Lamperti’s opera singing breath technique, Scot guides clients into a deeper breathing practice designed to release habitual, constricted breath patterns, and offers a tool for managing stress and achieving breath mastery.
An accomplished film and stage actor, Scot created EastWind Breathworks: a comprehensive program teaching the five cornerstones of a transformational practice:
Qi-gong breath and energy cultivation,
P.D. Ouspenski's Philosophy of evolution,
Kundalini Yoga breathing, movement and meditation techniques,
Basic operatic vocal skills and breath training,
The Taoist Foundational practice and theory.
For 34 years, Scot has worked with people from around the world: leading seminars, applying hands-on holistic healing bodywork, teaching meditation and hypnotherapy, and coaching physical fitness training sessions.

Holistic Healing
As a holistic bodyworker and breathing instructor, Scot maintains a private practice spanning 34 years, with offices in Lenox, MA and Burlington, VT; along with an online coaching presence.
He is a Tai Massage, Tai Breath and Body, and Reiki master specialist in the Miraval Resort and Spa-Berkshires, a Condé Nast award recipient for top 15 healing arts spas in the world.
What is Reiki?

The Healing Art

The essential arts of healing require an ability to concentrate entirely in this moment. Learning to ease into stillness allows timelessness to work through a person like a a healer's touch. Accepting vulnerability, and being able to be comfortable while uncomfortable, are both necessary emotional skills for one's evolution. The breath is the conduit between, and within, all persons. The study of breathing is the study of spirituality: how breath supports us, how our sounds are carried on its wavelengths, and how it is at the hearty center of every human being.
All human emotions are experienced on the inner continuum between joyous love, and the fear of the loss of love.
The ability to be affected by another person allows a possibility for healing, and for fruitful truthful spontaneous action, and/or stillness.